Monitor of Defender 2.0 is not working

:computer: Environment


I have added a test ERC721 for testing Defender 2.0 Monitor feature, but there is not any log caught, Anyone help?

:1234: Code to reproduce

Hey @uua! I wasn't able to replicate any issues with this monitor -- It was triggered after I called the mint function. Can you try again with a notification channel to receive an alert, like email?

Thanks for replying!
There's still nothing displayed on the logs page of my end, but successfully received email notification!
Maybe I did incorrect setting

Glad that's working. We'll take a look into why Logs is not showing the monitor trigger.

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The same issue on Monitor Activity section, thanks in advance!

Hi, just wanted to mention, seems to be the same for sepolia test contracts, I can't get any webhooks. Will try with email.

Edit: Email works. Same issue as OP. Cannot get webhooks or actions to run. This is a huge issue really.

the webhook is triggered on my case, at least, the slack webhook is fine