Monitor does not monitor

All I want to do is monitor the event logs of a smart contract. That's it.

To accomplish that I have tried:

  1. Sign Up -> Goto Monitor Tab -> Create Monitor
  2. Name/Category/Address -> Create an Address
  3. Save the Monitor.

From here, the Monitor is effectively Hellen Keller in a mine. It's blind, deaf and cannot speak and in total darkness. Why? Because you show me big green arrows on the forms that communicates "All Good"

But that is a lie:

It's almost as if the engineer working on this was treating the success condition to be loading the abi data into the form. That's great, but completely lies to the user.

Awesome, so I want to see what my new monitor does and I burn some transactions... I wait... It does nothing. Looking for help in the app is worthless. There is no feedback, nothing. In fact, it tells you things are working when they aren't.

So enter "randomly clicking on things" mode. Oh look I can select events and functions to monitor. So I select them all. Surely this must have been what I did wrong. Of course ordinary people would create monitors that monitor nothing by default. I must be an idiot for assuming it would work out of the box.

Burn more transactions. Nothing happens.

Oh there is an alert feature, okay, well even though the log in the dashboard doesn't work maybe that will. I add an email to the alerts, I set alerts to the lowest setting on the monitor.

Burn more transactions. Nothing happens.

Okay so now I have to go to Monitor -> Settings after configuring the alert emails and then I have to select from a drop down that monitor?

And now it will not show up in the dashboard log but email me? Okay.

Burn more transactions:

And now I get the email and the log on the dashboard is empty.

I just want you to respond, seriously, what problem does this solve for me? Oh and when will it actually work? I don't want to do things that can be more difficult, like deployments, if the simple things like monitoring doesn't work.

Apparently this has been an open issue for some months? Monitor of Defender 2.0 is not working - #3 by uua