Unable to execute GnosisSafe Admin actions on Goerli Optimism

I am unable to execute most transactions using a GnosisSafe created on Goerli Optimism through Defender. (The one exception I have found is that removeOwner seems to be working.)

:computer: Environment
Defender web app


  • Using the Defender web app
  • On Goerli Optimism
  • Creation of Gnosis Safe is working
  • Executing most Admin Actions not working (other than removeOwner)
  • Attempting to create the New Admin Action anyways results in Transaction validation failed message. If I ignore this and still create the admin action, I still cannot eventually execute the transaction. I can successfully reject the transaction, though.

:1234: Code to reproduce

  1. Using the OpenZeppelin Defender web product, create a GnosisSafe on Goerli Optimism.
  2. Attempt to create a New Admin Action for addOwnerWithThreshold. When trying to "Create admin action," run into the error: Error: Estimated gas of 4022320467 exceeds maximum block size
  3. If I ignore the transaction validation and still create the proposal, I can attempt to execute the transaction. I then get the error Transaction gas would exceed the block gas limit.

I have also tried switching RPC urls, which didn't help.

The same steps work on different networks, such as Goerli.

Note: I do also see these errors in the console, but I also see them when executing removeOwner, which does work.

Hi @cminxi, welcome to the community, and thank you for the detailed report!

Could you provide us with the URL of the proposal you are trying to execute?
Can you also confirm which browser wallet you are using (Frame, Metamask, ..)?

We've seen similar issues happen in the past for users using the Frame wallet. Usually switching to MetaMask resolved the issue. Some of these front-end validations we perform rely on the wallet you are connected with, and thus unstable / unreliable RPC endpoints that result in wrong gas estimations would trigger these warnings.

You mentioned you tried different RPC providers already, however, just for sanity checking, could you try executing it from MetaMask and see if that helps while we investigate further?

Thank you!

Could you provide us with the URL of the proposal you are trying to execute?


Can you also confirm which browser wallet you are using (Frame, Metamask, ..)?

I'm using Metamask.

...thus unstable / unreliable RPC endpoints that result in wrong gas estimations would trigger these warnings.

I've tried using three different RPC endpoints, including paid-for Alchemy RPC endpoint. Still no luck :confused:

Is there any way to bypass the validation when running execute? Or is there a way to use Defender Admin for approvals and then run execute via a different mechanism (ex: using hardhat, Etherscan's "Write Contract" feature, etc).

In case it's helpful, this is the error when I try to simulate the execution:

Hi @cminxi

We were able to replicate the issue, and it looks like it's 2-fold.

  1. The initial proposal validation is failing due to the GAS estimation being well over the 15M block size limit.
  2. The simulation is failing due to the eth_gasPrice call returning 0x1.

We're still investigating what exactly is going on here. It's particularly interesting that the removeOwner call estimates the GAS perfectly fine.

Meanwhile, to unblock you at least, I would advise you use the Gnosis Safe UI to execute your proposal.

Apologies for the inconvenience!

Hi @nami — thanks for the follow up! Please let me know if there's anything I can do to assist the investigation.

I tried using the Gnosis Safe UI, but found that they don't support Goerli Optimism. Would you have any alternative approaches to recommend?

Thanks again!

Hi @nami — can you share where this issue lies in OZ's list of priorities?

I'd love to use OZ Defender for my project, but need to be able to execute proposals on Optimism and Goerli Optimism.

Experiencing this same issue on Optimism mainnet. Would be great if this was fixed.