Unable to add multisig safe for deploy

Hello, When i try to add a deployed multisig safe on base sepolia for deploy approval process it returns this ABI

    "inputs": [
        "internalType": "address",
        "name": "_singleton",
        "type": "address"
    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
    "type": "constructor"
    "stateMutability": "payable",
    "type": "fallback"

and prevents to add by Address must be of one of types: Relayer, EOA, Multisig, Gnosis Safe, Safe, Gnosis Multisig error.

:computer: Environment
OZ defender Deploy -> create deploy approval process

Which ABI i should use from https://github.com/gnosis/gnosis-abi-decoder/tree/master/src/abi/safe-contracts/build/contracts to able pass the error, I tried GnosisSafe abi didnt work

Update: Tried through adding approval proposals and adding safe impl abi manually and worked.

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