Rinkeby Testnet Faucets!

Precious testnet ETH! Developers need it, but sometimes it can be hard to find. Unfortunately, even though testnet ETH has no monetary value, these faucets can nevertheless fall victim to bots or may otherwise be down due to some reason or another.

This thread is your one-stop shop for finding a working Rinkeby faucet. If one faucet on the list isn't working for you, try another one.

If at any point you come across another good working Rinkeby faucet, please add it to this list so others can benefit.






For those who use Hardhat, one other option for development that I will include here is to fork mainnet and work locally. This opens up a whole other exciting can of worms since you get to interact with mainnet transactions without spending any real ETH. Hardhat has a great reference for this here:

Most likely, you will want to "pin" to a given block number. That way, you are able to ensure that the state of the blockchain will not change and break the behavior of your tests.

Happy coding!

Wiki post: Please update and correct as needed


Hey Stephen!

I am John, and I’m an ambassador for Alchemy. Love how Open Zeppelin is helping developers with implementations and best practices.

Noticed you wrote a post on Rinkeby testnet faucet, which is now deprecated due to the Ethereum Merge. As you probably know, Goerli is now the main testnet.

If helpful, I’m linking Alchemy’s goerli faucet (anyone can reliably get free Goerli testETH every day) here - https://goerlifaucet.com/.

Also, in case it’s useful to your readers, here’s some good dev docs - https://www.alchemy.com/overviews/migrate-from-rinkeby-to-goerli.

Let us know if Alchemy can ever be helpful, and keep up the awesome content!


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