Rapid verification of a smartcontract code


I would like an opinion from people who know about it.
I'm not a developer at all so I created a dividend token with gempad.app

here is the contract address: https://bscscan.com/address/0xF583FF716A7BB51dddBbeae45F5A2D9aB2421155#code

I fixed it like this:
Sell Marketing Fee (%) 5 Buy Marketing Fee (%) 3
Sell Liquidity Fee (%) 5 Buy Liquidity Fee (%) 3
Sell Reward Fee (%) 5 Buy Reward Fee (%) 3
Total Supply 1000000 Minimum to hold for wbnb reward 1000
Max Wallet 50000 (5% per wallet max) Max Transaction Amount 10000

I put some liquidity on pancakeswap the dividend token mode works well, the only thing that worries is that since I put liquidity to test, despite the taxes, the value of the token collapses (while it's only me who buys and sells, that taxes should drive up the price). I don't understand, does the contract look clean to you?

I do not understand lines 20 to 22 ipancake caller, this leads to another contract which before mine was buying another token (dough).

is this a contract modifiable by the creator of the contract who can buy other tokens thanks to the taxes generated by mine?

since I put liquidity my token is classified in honeypot everywhere.... so it worries a little.

I thought there was an audit provided with the token but I was told that it was an additional $100 or that it would be provided in a pre-sale.

Thank you for your help.