I have problem with rinkeby authenticated faucet

Hello Developers,

Have you also been having problems with the rinkeby authenticated faucet?
I have posted the address on my Twitter, it has been accepted with the green message, but still no test ether
can anyone send me rinkeby ether
address : 0x8aA46BbF0E847cCC0aFfee992c66e7FBBc230B3a

Sent you some https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/tx/0xc01f884b6a601ff44f29bcd66ebd16b8f5480612382de221cebc6ed934514417


Thanks a lot Man

Same problem here. I tried three different faucets without success. Some Rinkeby Ether would be greatly appreciated! My address: 0xAa1d805383804D62e537381dB2948bb47966AD73

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any chance to get some rinkeby ether as well?

I really want to try out ethernaut !!!

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Hi there, I am getting the same error. Can I get some Rinkeby ether to test my smart contract? here is my address 0xA87E88F0BbC43468cb657294f2479c6f35179B80

sent you some /20 charsssssss


Thank you! I received it! You're the best!

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Any chance you can send me some Rinkeby eth too?


I cannot get the faucet to work, even with a tweet :frowning:

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Same problem here.

I tried three different faucets without success.

Some Rinkeby Ether would be greatly appreciated! My address: 0x99E86d82d94D866e238588A34DF9A8b6A3C80165

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Same problem , Some Rinkeby Ether please
: 0x605CEEAc04e89971286B84A77edF4b4f410B3fcE

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Sorry, I can do nothing for this.
I think you can try to connect them to report this problem or you can try to use another testnet.

It's still down unfortunately... could you please send me some test ETH as well :blush: ?

I've sent to all of you @JPAC @lucas_susin @Andi_Putra @Michael_Babel


I'm having the same issue, if I may get test ether 0xC191bac4E68228C20814b8ABf231C194cd02fCf2

Can i get some Rinkeby test ETH please, been trying for days now and nothing yet. says it sent it and nothing there in Metamask


thank you

Same here. Hate to do this but my wallet address below


Same, the broken faucet is unfortunate... 0xEe881292EBf9bC10da19305EBc58Dd1B48971971

I did what it needs, but nothing happens, just a recaptcha in the bottom right corner... :frowning:
Pls someone, to: 0xA8368dD7e9F97C6F938f9849a3D1473a6234D20f


I can even see my address in list now, but got nothing:/

If someone has spare ethers... 0x0643bafed0FB9e072ed503C4Fa409Ec6c48d393F
