How to remove liquidity from token holder

Hello, so I deployed my contract and it has been active for sometime but recently I noticed someone went to Pancakeswap and added the liquidity first, thus, setting the initial price and getting 100% of the shares and liquidity is not even locked and it is set to be launched soon

Now my question is, how do I remove this liquidity?

How can I execute this from my BSC “write contract “ or anywhere since I can’t possibly do this from Pancakeswap, I mean being the developer of this token, there should be an option where I remove this liquidity since it wasn’t added by me… please I need help on this.

On deployment either the contract itself or deployer’s address has all the tokens minted. Thus it is not possible it was “someone”, but it had to be you. If you do not recall such an event, you probably got hacked or something. When liquidity is added, either tokens and BNB’s are added to a pool. And in order to add liquidity they have to have your tokens somehow.


Yes, they have my tokens because it is currently airdropping tokens to people, so he/she used the tokens he/she got from the airdrop to add the liquidity. I wasn’t ready to add liquidity yet on Pancakeswap, I wanted to wait after the airdrop so now the person already has done that before me. I came across pancake router where the “RemoveliquidityETH” can be written but I’m not sure how that works

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Hi, welcome! :wave:

I think you can not remove this liquidity on the pancake, cause you are not owner of the liquidity. If you think the price is not right, you can buy/sell token to change the price, and then at the right price, you can add more liquidity.

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Only the person who added liquidity can removehis part. And also if you remove it and re-add the price won’t change