Ethernaut test token needed. rinkeby faucet not working insufficient funds for gas * price +value

Hi I am doing ethernaut. The instance of level 9 requires me to have at least 1eth to create a instance. I don't have enough test ether to do this and the rinkeby faucet is not working at all. I just keep getting the typical error insufficient funds for gas * price +value.
Can someone donate me some test eth on rinkeby or are there any live faucet?
I tried the mycrypto one but it only sends 0.01 every time. it's far from enough.
My wallet address is 0x81c2D98AF06121812EDD010e3cee3057808684FA.
Thank you

Hi, welcome! :wave:

It seems like there is something wrong with the Rinkeby Faucet, maybe you can share your wallet address at here, someone will transfer some ETH to you.

And maybe you should look at this article: How do I ask a good question? - General / Meta - OpenZeppelin Community