Defender - Unable to call smart contract function

Hi guys,

I have just upgraded my smart contract to add a new function mintBatch(). It receives two parameters:

  • itemId (uint256): NFT id.

  • isKlip (boolean): Describes the kind of NFT.

The problem is that, when I try to call this new function from Defender, the button "Create admin action" will be disabled unless you check the isKlip checkbox. Hence, I can only call this function from defender if isKlip value is true.

I have been able to call this function from Defender with isKlip value set to false.

I would really appreciate your help, since this problem is difficulting the progress of the project.

Request any other file if you think is needed!

Thank you in advance.


Thank you for getting in touch, and apologies for the inconvenience.
We have been made aware of this issue already, and have a fix going into production this week. We will keep you posted.

Meanwhile, to unblock you, I would recommend using Etherscan's UI if your contract is verified, or simply using a Hardhat script to execute the desired function.

Thank you!