Unable to schedule transactions with bool argument unchecked

When trying to call a function on the contract that has a bool as one of the arguments Create Admin Action button will only light up when the bool argument box is toggled on. This prevents sending any transactions with bool argument being set to false.

:computer: Environment

Creating admin action.


:1234: Code to reproduce

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It would also be nice to automatically verify timelocks that are deployed via defender so we could schedule transactions via Gnosis directly since it requests abi. Just in case something is not right with Defender. Risking scheduling something with incorrect ABI on main-net is no fun.

I'm having the same issue!

It's even deeper than I thought!
I tried rewriting my function to take in a Struct, in which keys are bools, and it's impossible to create admin action ! The create admin action button remains disabled no matter what I check or uncheck


Thanks for reporting.

We have created a fix and it should go in production this week. I will notify you when this gets deployed.
Also, I have created internal issue for verifying Timelock automatically.

Thanks for your patience.


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@0x_Taiga , @elias_taz

Update: We have released fix for this issue.

Feel free to try it and reach to us in case some issues are still persistent.


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Thank you for your reply

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