Defender - Gnosis Safe Sync?

Hello !

I recently start testing defender and I have a question regarding the gnosis safe with it.

So to summarize, I created a gnosis safe wallet from defender for a contract deployed, the multisig wallet is connect to gnosis safe mobile app along with the address I am using for it.

All this is on rinkeby network.

Here is one things I am not sure to understand.
If I create a proposal from defender and then have it executed, I can see this transaction on gnosis safe ok here all good.

However, if i do the opposite, create a transaction from the gnosis safe and have it executed , this transaction do not get listed on defender side ( but the resulting action on the contract behave as expected ).

Also, creating transaction from gnosis safe , I can see that transaction in the pending tab of the gnosis safe app and actually can interact with it ( either confirm or reject ).
But any transaction created from defender don't seem to get listed on the gnosis safe.

So it seem that it behave like 2 different entity , even if executed transactions get through since I can see at the end that the contract is correctly updated.

Is it expected behavior , or did I just missed something about this ( which won't surprise me since I started on this recently so .. )

Thanks for your help !


Hi @giyomu,

However, if i do the opposite, create a transaction from the gnosis safe and have it executed , this transaction do not get listed on defender side ( but the resulting action on the contract behave as expected ).

This is expected, Defender currently only tracks state of multisig transactions initiated from a Defender proposal.

But any transaction created from defender don't seem to get listed on the gnosis safe.

When you create a proposal in Defender, it is just a specification of a contract function to be executed. The proposal will only get broadcasted to the Gnosis Safe transaction service once it gets its first signature/approval. We decided to do this so nonce acquisition is delayed to the last possible moment. You can try doing this: create a proposal, sign it (don't execute, only approve it), then go to the Gnosis Safe UI queue. You should then find the corresponding and be able to interact with it, from either app.

Defender Admin proposals are "bigger" entities than Gnosis Safe transactions, a proposal may track more the one transaction, and some of them will not be visible to the Gnosis Safe (for example if your operation is protected by a Timelock contract, there will be a multisig tx to schedule the operation, then a timelock transaction to execute it).

Hi Martin,
Thanks for the explanations ! make sense.

Hi @MartinVerzilli - thanks for the clear answer. Are you planning to provide the option to sync transactions initiated from the Gnosis Safe UI into OpenZeppelin Defender at any point? This would be very helpful in our case.
