Account disabled

I haven't logged in for a while and now when I try to login I see the message:
"Since you didn't upgrade your Defender account it has been disabled." with the button "Sign out" and nothing more.

What can I do please? Thank you



I also faced the same issue. When contacted to the support they said I need to create another account with a different email. The old one cannot be used as of now.

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Same here. Why can't I just access the upgraded Defender?

Hi, welcome to the community! :wave:

Do you mean you want to upgrade from V1 to V2? As announcement, the Defender legacy version will come to an end and will reach end-of-life on June 1st, 2024 . So after the sunsetting period, it will no longer be accessible and your account will be automatically suspended.
For more details, maybe you can have a look at the announce blog:

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