[Possible Action Required]: Free-Tier OpenZeppelin Defender Account Pulse-Check Underway

To ensure our user list is up-to-date, we are currently in the phase of notifying free-tier Defender accounts that appear to be inactive. This activity is measured by whether a user has done at least one of the following during the prior 60 days:

  • Added a new Admin contract
  • Created an Admin proposal
  • Created a Relayer
  • Created an Autotask
  • Issued a new transaction
  • Triggered a new Autotask run
  • Created a Sentinel
  • Added a notification channel
  • Added a new user

If you received a notification via email regarding your account being flagged and have responded to the email, your account is safe! Also, if you have been using your account “actively” and have not received an email from defender-support@openzeppelin.com with the subject line “Action Required - Confirm your OZ Defender Account by 11/2” then there is no action necessary, your account is also secure. If you have received a message from that account with the above subject line, please reply to that message immediately including “Yes, I would like to keep my free Defender account active.”

After reviewing the aforementioned steps, if it's unclear to you if your account status will remain active, feel free to respond here in the Forum asking for assistance, or send an email from the same account you set up your Defender Admin account to the "defender-support" email address.