First of all, I am new to ethereum token development. Many thanks to OpenZeppelin, I managed get up and running very easily and I am experimenting with non-fungible tokens
I would like to ask a novice question about compiler versions.
Is it a smart idea to always use latest compiler? Looks like myetherscan supports 0.5.8 compiler but all openzeppelin contracts are using 0.5.0
Should I be using 0.5.0? OR 0.5.8?
What are the pros/cons? how do you guys make compiler versioning decisions?
Hello @Jeff, thank you for bringing this up! I don’t think there’s been much discussion regarding compiler versions here.
Note that OpenZeppelin’s contracts specify a minimum compiler version, that is, you must use v0.5.0 or newer. Different people may use different versions for their own reasons, and we decided not to be too restrictive about it. You can read more about that decision here.
That said, I’d personally recommend using v0.5.7 at the very least, since it contains known bugfixes for previous releases.