Watch introduction to Ethereum backrunning
First webinar from OpenZeppelin and IDEO CoLab
Austin Williams and Dan Elitzer explore
Woah! This should be done more frequently by Openzeppelin.
Keep the webinars coming!!!
Great explanations from Austin and Dan. I found it quiet interesting since Iโve been playing with some DeFi liquidators bots and dealing with some front-running issues.
I know itโs been a while but I have some questions:
Regarding to the transaction ordering, commonly they are prioritized by their price but Austin affirms that after that txs with same price are selected randomly. Is not better to selected less amount of txs (so sorting by gas limit) (knapsack optimization problem) ? From my point of view, as lesser txs to get into account as faster you can compute the hash function on them (more hash power).
How frontrunners are able to monitor/scan the mempool? They should get the most up-to-date mempool available right? All they could do its keeping a node connected to as many nodes as possible? It should be a full node or this can be possible using a lighweight one?
Thanks in advance,
Hi @miguelmtzinf,
Geth changed the behavior in Red Janey (v1.9.19)
- Sort same-priced transactions by arrival time during mining to reduce front-running (#21358).
I assume you want to run your own node as using third party services could add additional time, and based on the change in Geth, I assume you want as little time between detecting the transaction you want to backrun in the mempool and your own transaction to reduce the chance that someone else gets in before you.
I don't know what type of node you need to run. My knowledge runs as far as having watched the video.
@abcoathup thanks for your comments
Letโs see if someone have something to add about node type and setup.
Hi @miguelmtzinf,
I assume anyone doing back running/front running successfully is unlikely to share their secrets publicly as they donโt want competition.