Hi @padawan,
It looks like you are going to have a few rabbit holes to go down.
- Smart contract development
- Decompiling/reverse engineering
- Trading bots
- Front running
I can give you some pointers on the smart contract development front.
(Learn guides are a great place to start: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/learn/)
I don't have any experience with the rest of the rabbit holes. I see a lot of learning in your future.
The contract bytecode you linked to ends in 64736f6c63430006060033
(https://etherscan.io/address/0xC8De8feF2A0FeD84acdD31370320f03Fe84E2a2a#code) so it was compiled with the Solidity compiler 0.6.6. (https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.6.12/metadata.html?highlight=version#encoding-of-the-metadata-hash-in-the-bytecode)
I suggest you try a few different decompilers to see what results you can get and how readable it might be, e.g.:
You should also look through successful and failed transactions on Etherscan to see what happened to understand what trades were made and why it failed.
My understanding with a contract like this is to fail early if the opportunity isn't available.
You can also search out all the resources that you can on frontrunning.
Though I think backrunning is potentially more interesting.
Good luck with your journey. Feel free to ask questions and share information that you find.