Transaction fails validation and won't allow execution despite successful simulation

I am unable to execute a proposal using an EOA. Defender warns me that the transaction will fail for an unspecified reason. When I attempt to execute the transaction anyway Defender continuously warns me that the transaction will fail, but does not proceed to execution.

I've simulated this exact proposal on tenderly using gas prices at the time of execution and was able to successfully execute it

:computer: Environment

Proposals: EOA execution on mainnet


I am attempting to execute this transaction using the EOA assigned. Before attempting execution Defender warns me that the transaction will fail. We have verified that the EOA has enough ETH to execute the transaction. After clicking "Approve and Execute transaction" nothing happens.

:1234: Code to reproduce

Here is the proposal. I've simulated this exact proposal on tenderly using gas prices at the time of execution and was able to successfully execute it. This makes me think that the error is internal to Defender.

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I had the same issue on Moonbeam as well.
I can execute my tx to my test contract(opensource) with EOA in Etherescan, but not in Defender

Thanks for this bug report.

We're looking into this issue now. We'll report back on this thread when we've identified the source of the issue.

Dan McKeon