Shape the future of Defender: community poll ✅

We're constantly improving OpenZeppelin Defender for you. Heading into 2024, your feedback is essential. Tell us which Defender feature will benefit your work the most - your insights are vital for our growth. Thanks for your support and contribution to making Defender better!

What key improvements in OpenZeppelin Defender will most impact your work in 2024?

  • Accelerated deployment – the ability to deploy smart contracts more quickly and efficiently
  • Advanced coding – more accurate Code Inspector rules and larger coverage
  • Comprehensive automation – more robust and integrated automation tools
  • Integrated tooling – enhanced integrations with your development environment
  • Developer experience enhancements – overall improvements in the usability and interface of Defender
  • Custom feature request – share any specific feature you desire by posting below
0 voters

We welcome your ideas and feedback – share them with us!


Foundry integration (deploy through relayer, proposals..)


I would just like the basic features to work and I would like the UX To be better than a random template downloaded and stripped from themeforest. I would like it to actually feel like a tool. I don't want parts of each feature split over multiple pages. I don't like having to go to different pages to get feedback on a change on a current page. I don't like that I am running into issues that were opened for support before I got here and haven't received any movement or changes.

It really does smack of a side project and it's embarrassing suggesting a business user go through this dashboard for anything. It was clearly made by a technical user, for technical users, but why would a technical user need this dashboard?

For me, the value of this tool it setting the person who doesn't understand in front of it and making it so they can't do any harm. But I don't trust that because I can't tell which parts work.

More examples written in Typescript using the new defender-sdk

Thanks for everything!

One other nice item would be option to use Viem/Wagmi instead of Ethers in action code.