Sentinel is not detecting contract event(s)

I have a Sentinel configured on Rinkeby monitoring 0x1509b122bbf03d019340ca4fe0054cdc508a8bfb6f8af5f09bf7f08c265fc53e. The Sentinel is configured to fire autotask id: 18e4ffbe-58c1-4728-a743-bd22175495f4 when the Event is emitted.

The Sentinel is not detecting the event that is being fired so the autotask is never triggered.

Network: Rinkeby
TX Hash: 0x1509b122bbf03d019340ca4fe0054cdc508a8bfb6f8af5f09bf7f08c265fc53e

Hello, thanks for reporting! We identified an issue affecting sentinels that specify event filtering conditions. We introduced this bug in the latest version of Defender (on March 10th). The issue has been patched and we're seeing normal functioning now.