We are a team looking to launch our NFT project soon in the upcoming months. This job will obviously be paid for. We will only be paying upfront and not be offering a portion of the mint sales.
We need an ERC-721A contract. We are modeling our plans (as well as thoughts on the contract) from the recently launched NFT collection "Hikari". So taking inspiration from their contract would be awesome! Even cloning it and then tweaking to our specifications would be completely fine. Below are our requirements for the smart contract.
Our mint will be in multiple stages
Stage 1 will be a mint at a certain price for holders of a specific collection, though each token of said collection is only eligible for 1 mint, so once a token has been 'claimed' it can no longer qualify for mint even if resold. There must be a way to check the status of these tokens to see if they've been 'claimed' or not.
Stage 2 will be a fair dutch auction. Meaning a standard dutch auction, but the user will only pay a total amount of ether based on the final sale of the DA, the rest will be refunded. For example. If User A mints the NFT for 1 ether, but the final DA sale is at 0.9 ether, then User A is refunded the difference (0.1 ether).
Stage 3 will be mint for whitelisted members at a percentage of the last sale of dutch auction. So we should be able to set the price and supply of this mint at an unspecified time.
Other requirements
Automatic OpenSea royalty disbursement (percentage based). Possibly a separate contract that acts as a 'treasury' for royalties and is automatically split based on percentages and sent to private wallets.
Similar to the royalty disbursement, a portion of the total sales from mint must have a percentage automatically sent to a private wallet.
Must be gas optimized. Pull out all the tricks for this one. Once again, Hikari did theirs really really well. Gas optimization is key.
Function to instantly 'reveal' all tokens/update meta data as well as refresh OpenSea metadata for all tokens.
Obviously no bugs like the common loop method or anything exploitable
There might be a couple other requirements, not entirely sure yet, but this is pretty much what we need. We ask that you be thoroughly experienced in developing smart contracts and preferably have done this before for other projects (though not required).
If you're interested, please message me directly on here or if you prefer to message through Twitter or Discord then send me a Twitter @ or Discord ID and I'll add you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to message me as well. Looking forward to working with you!