Introduce yourself here!

Hi all, My name is Sanjay. I am from Goa (India). I am learning about the various blockchain platforms. Currently I am exploring ethereum. I am here to explore how to write good smart contracts.


Welcome to the community @Sanjay

A great place to start is going through the existing guides in #general:guides-and-tutorials category. Please let us know if you have any feedback on what we can improve on.

Ethernaut is a fun way to learn about smart contract security and there are Ethernaut Community Solutions for many of the levels.

If you have any questions, please let us know in the forum. Thanks

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Hi everyone, my name is William and I’m a developer from Italy.
I’ve been working as a front-end developer for most of my carrer, but in the last year and a half I started learning and building on Ethereum.
I’m currently working on a defi project built on top of various lending protocols, and I’m trying to use zeppelinOS :slight_smile:


Hi @bugduino thanks for introducing yourself. Great to have you here.

Let us know if you have any questions on using ZeppelinOS.

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My name is Jens Ivar Jørdre. I am Chief Science Officer of Hubii AS and develop smart contracts for our Ethereum 2nd layer scaling solution nahmii. Home base is Bergen, Norway.


hi everyone! Jim Zhang from We are a startup as part of ConsenSys and working in partnership with AWS and Microsoft to provide cloud based blockchain as a service platform.

We’ve been using OpenZeppelin for our need in high quality Solidity code, in particular when we recently announced our tokens support in Consensus2019.

Met @albert and got introduced to this community. Mainly want to participate and contribute to the growing coverage of the OpenZeppelin library for common patterns such as Hashed Timelock based Atomic Swaps. Really excited to be here!


Hi @jijordre welcome to the community and thanks for introducing yourself.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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Welcome to the community @jimthematrix

Is Kaleido mostly Enterprise Ethereum or are you also providing non-Ethereum based chains to your customers?

Would appreciate other suggestions on smart contracts that would benefit the OpenZeppelin library.

If you use ERC777 would be great to get input on the OpenZeppelin ERC777 implementation:

OpenZeppelin 2.3.0: Release Candidate


The long awaited sequel to ERC20 is here. The EIP is almost finalized, and OpenZeppelin has an implementation of it. Please note that this code has not been audited yet . An audit will be performed soon, but for now we need you all to look at it and review it from top to bottom . The main source file is here at ERC777.sol :new::sparkles: . Anything you see, drop us a line in this thread or via email at Letting us know that you’ve looked at it and found nothing is also valuable!

Also you are welcome to join the Discussion about ERC20Migrator and related issues

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Hi @jijordre can you share with the community what the Hubii project is?

It would also be great if you could give some details on the layer 2 scaling solution nahmii that you have created?

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Hi @bugduino can you share any details on the DEFI project that you are building?

You have already raised the issue of how to accept ERC20 tokens. What other types of issues are you facing?

How are you planning to use ZeppelinOS?

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I’m currently building a dapp, with an easy ui/ux in mind, which interacts with different lending protocols and allows you to lend at the best rate available. I integrated Compound v2 for the moment and I plan to add others in the following weeks. The contract is trustless and never in posessions of user’s tokens at the end of every tx, so it acts as a proxy only.

I’m trying to use zos to have a way to upgrade contracts in case of something unexpected happens or for adding small features to the contracts already deployed. I had experienced some issues during unit testing with zos, but the upgradable pattern is working like a charm!

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Hi @bugduino

Good to hear that ZeppelinOS upgradable pattern is working like a charm.

Would appreciate any feedback that you can provide on your use of ZeppelinOS and anything that we can do to improve the documentation and guides.

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Hello everyone,

My name is Shubham Yadav. I am from Pune (India). I am working on project (in case you wanna have a look, which combines digital art and Blockchain technology. It requires a smart contract to store the ownership of the digital arts (ERC-721) and to allow its trading.

I am using Zeppelin as the framework and truffle for deployment purpose. Before this, I co-founded which was a cryptocurrencies exchanges based out of India. I am an IIT Bombay 2015 alumni.

Its a pleasure to be here guys :smiley:


Welcome @shubhamy2015 Thanks for introducing yourself.

VoV looks interesting. Can you tell us more about the blockchain component of the project? (e.g. what did you use from OpenZeppelin for the project? what is stored in the ERC721? I assume you are running on mainnet?)

What is up next for you? (assuming the blockchain component of VoV is done)

Hello everyone :wave: I am an Ethereum developer and am excited to build on and with Zeppelin.

I am working on an easy-to-use wallet called Athereum with @chris.whinfrey and @miguelmota. We are going to use ZeppelinOS for upgradability and will make an EVM package as well.

I hope to help contribute to all the work that Zeppelin does for the community.


Welcome to the community @shanefontaine.

Can you share more details on Authereum?

Awesome that you are going to use ZeppelinOS and make an EVM package too. Please let us know How good are our docs, and how would you improve them? or request a guide or tutorial. Especially in relation to your experiences developing with ZeppelinOS and creating EVM packages.

Welcome to the community @miguelmota

Awesome that you wrote a book, especially love the focus that it is all the things that you wish you had known when you started.

Would love your input on how we can help improve our guides and tutorials.

Hi everyone.

My name is Pierre. I work at Sorare as senior dev and based in Paris. We’re using openzeppelin ERC721 smart contract for our crypto goods. I’m here to learn more about solidity best practices.



Wecome @piedup to the community forum! :wave:

I have checked out sorare previously. I thought I already had a sorare card, but looks like I haven’t purchased one yet.

OpenZeppelin repository is a great place to learn about Solidity best practices.

The Guidelines and Code Style documents are great reads:

I would recommend (if you haven’t already) linting contracts and tests, OpenZeppelin style is good to follow:

100% code coverage for your tests is a great target.

Would appreciate if you have any suggestions for Guides and Tutorials requests that the community needs, that would be great.

Hello Pierre, welcome! Glad yo have you here :slight_smile:

How did you find out about the forum?

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