Hello community!
Lately I’ve been seeing many newcomers mention how warm and helpful the forum is and that makes me really happy because we’re here not just to build high quality software for decentralized systems but to build a great, powerful community around it.
We can only do this with your help. Your feedback and participation is key to shape this community as a place to learn, discuss and explore design patterns and best practices about decentralized systems development (a.k.a. dapps, smart contracts). That’s why I wanted to introduce the Community Recognition Hall: a place to thank prominent community members for helping build this great community
I’d like to start by recognizing the first members that earned the bronze badge, please everybody congratulate (in no particular order):
Paulina said to have come to the forum looking for help but the truth is that she’s the one who has been helping everyone else around! Not only that, she has also been contributing to the development of OpenZeppelin and ZeppelinOS and rumor has it she’s working on some tutorials as well
Chris is one of the founders of Level K, a company the Zeppelin team really respects and likes to work with (that’s why we trusted them with the audit for the OpenZeppelin 2.0 release). Chris has also been an active member of our community.
Santiago has not only been answering other people’s questions, but also collaborating with the Ethernaut project and compiled a collection of community solutions
g.a. has been helping by asking questions. This is such an important thing! It’s super valuable for the community since it creates a database of solved issues for others to obtain instant help and unsolved issues to learn by answering.
Phillip is another helpful questioner on the forum, and has also been working on a guide for setting up a testing environment. Looking forward to it!
Ian is another active participant of the forum and was also working on a full introduction to testing in smart contracts.
Thank you all!
Finally, I’d like to ask you @paulinablaszk, @chris.whinfrey, @scammi, @jaureguino, @pllearns, @ianbrtt to share privately with me a delivery address to send you a little something as a token of our appreciation, from the Zeppelin team and community