How to add bep20 token to pancakeswap

:computer: Environment


Hello everyone, I am bit confused. I created bep 20 token, verified contract and everything. Now I want to add it on pancakeswap, so people can buy it. Initial supply is 410 million. What do I need to do? Can I add for example 1 bnb in liquidity and set a price 1 bnb = 1 milion coins. And then transfer 410 million to contract address, is that how its working? Or if I want to sell all of that 410 million, I need to add 410 million of coins to liquidity?

That means 1 bnb = 410 million or that means 1 bnb = 1million so i need 410 BNB to make it happen.


I wonder the answer to this question me too.

The first time you add liquidity you will set the initial price (rate).
So you can add 1 BNB and 1000 tokens to set price 1 token = 0.001 BNB
An then add the rest of the tokens with BNB


I dont understand, I want to add half of the volume, but there must be a lot of BNB in the liquid part according to the volume.
Could we just add enough to set the price for the first time?
like, 1 BNB = 100000 XTOKEN

if you want this prcie then you have to add 1 BNB = 100000 XTOKEN.

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i am really a new developer, i am asking because i dont know.
Firstly i added like 1 BNB = 100000 XTOKEN.
How do I add all the remaining volume I have? or do i need to add?

I have the same question as well. I have already created the LP, but can I just transfer the remaining tokens to the Pancakeswap LP address?
I see new tokens having like $1million in their LP hows that possible? Surely they don’t add so much BNB? What happens I just add 0.5 BNB to the LP when setting the price is it going to be too low for people to be able to trade?

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In the same way you have added the first time. Always you must add token + bnb

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1 BNB = 100000 XTOKEN
1000 BNB = 100000000 XTOKEN (all volume)
Not more than 1000 BNB
Isn’t there any other way ?, I don’t have that much money

no man this is called ECONOMY

I’m asking because I don’t know how it works.

I am not familiar with the pancake swap, but I think it just like the Uniswap, so for more details about Uniswap, you can have a look at this article:


Hello, good question. Do you have a soluution already??

Look at the simply maths:

Market Cap = listing price * total circulating supply

listing price = market cap(you have to assume this, starting small then grow)/total supply.

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I cant even add this, the pancake swap loading sign appears then just disappears

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try it on a laptop. I have had similar experience in the past.

Hey man, did you find any way adding liquidity without investing thousands of bnb?? I am wondering too…thanks.

piece of cake man. You don’t have to use thousand $$$ worth of bnb.

market cap = listing price * total supply.



I have the same question, and I was wondering if this works:

Assuming 1 BNB = $300

I set the price by adding 10 BNB + 3000000000000 Tokens to liquidity. This will set the price to $0.000000001 per token

And then I add 1 BNB + All remaining supply. Would this work? Will the price still remain the same?


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You must respect the rate set.

The first time you are adding bnb and your token, it sets the price for the token. After that, it is the buy/sell that determines current price and when adding more liquidity, current price is used to determine what bnb and your token ratio that gets added