jm@JoesLinuxLaptop:~/zeppelin-test$ npm install truffle
npm WARN zeppelin-test@1.0.0 No description
npm WARN zeppelin-test@1.0.0 No repository field.
Then could not find command npx: jm@JoesLinuxLaptop:~/zeppelin-test$ npx truffle init
Command 'npx' not found, did you mean:
command 'upx' from snap upx (v0.2.3)
command 'gpx' from deb gpx
command 'np' from deb mosquitto-auth-plugin
command 'nex' from deb nvi
command 'npm' from deb npm
command 'nyx' from deb nyx
See 'snap info <snapname>' for additional versions.
Please advise.
Linux Ubuntu 18.4 LTS.
These instructions worked flawlessly on my other computer, Ubuntu 16.4 LTS.
For starters, here’s this page for a very simple ERC721
Put Taj Mahal on ERC721. Has same problem, uses 5.x.x syntax when we live in a 5.x.x world.
Then I did a couple of Udemy courses on Solidity programming.
I’d love to take a Zero to Hero course on ERC721/Open Zeppelin on Udemy. Their going price of $11.99 would be worth it. Any experts out there with good speaking skills?