I have just started to take a look on open zeppelin and I have been unable to start with the tutorial.
My problem is that I cannot run npx openzeppelin init command.
What I did was: new folder, go to that folder then run npm init, I have node on v13.6.0 and npm on 6.13.4
I also ran npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
When I run npx openzeppelin init I get the following:
Sorry that you are having issues. Prior to running npx openzeppelin init we need to install the OpenZeppelin CLI by running npm install @openzeppelin/cli
$ mkdir myproject && cd myproject
$ npm init -y
$ npm i @openzeppelin/cli
$ npx openzeppelin init
I was having trouble installing the cli. Might be due to the node version I currently have. I will take test an older version of node and let you know.
Thank you
Hello, I have tried with node12 and the installation went good.
I unlinked brew from node 13 and installed node 12 and linked it to it.
Maybe we should specify on the tutorial that we cannot install using the latest node version, it would save a lot of time for new comers.