Deploying BSC Smart Contract & Token Generation

Hey everyone,

I am extremely new to solidity and coding for smart contracts. I am basically learning most of it from guides posted online.

Based off what I’ve learnt and coded so far. I was successful in deploying a simple smart contract to the BSC test net and was able to generate tokens which was sent to my wallet. Transfers and checking balances seem to work well (Yay!).

As I’m trying to dive deeper, I tried copying and deploying a clone of Safemoon’s contract (another token called WaterCat) on the BSC mainnet which was successful but it wasn’t generating any tokens to my wallet.

I used Remix to deploy (Environment: Injected Web3) and the contract was deployed at the following address: 0x2D4e18188d052d9e4F8a1823D26C72Ca03195154

I’ve changed certain parameters like the token name leaving the rest as it is.

Would appreciate any help in figuring this out. Thanks in advance!

Hi, welcome, :wave:

I think you deploy the wrong contract. Before you click the Deploy button, you should select the correct contract to deploy rather than use the default contract.

屏幕快照 2021-04-28 10.07.56

屏幕快照 2021-04-28 10.08.35

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Hey Skyge,

Let me give it a try when I am home later tonight but that is something I had not looked out for. Will update this space when I have made the changes. Thank you though for pointing this out!

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I hope you changed Pancakeswap router address to v2

Hey FreezyEx,

Thank you for pointing that out. I read that there were some issues with the v2 that was launched on 23 April. Are there any further updates as to whether v2 is still useable?

And also, do you happen to know what the new router address is?

Thank you!

The other problem I have faced is when trying to send half the tokens generated to a burn address (ie 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD).

I had an error: Fail with error ‘TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED’

This is the transaction hash: 0xb9e7aa589ae40e069cf95bd434c6d4a5f1f2316335cab225cd040034b71a5aae

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Yes It should be this one 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E

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