Defender discord messages being embedded

Hello, we've set up a Defender to monitor NFT collection floor prices from Chainlink contracts and an Autotask to execute some contract calls depending on the Defender event value. Within that Autotask, among other things, we included a code snippet to send a message to our Discord.

The problem we're encountering is that those messages are being embedded (pic attached) and if we try to tag any users on our Discord they don't get notifications. Is there a way to circumvent the embedding?

We have also looked at using Sentinel notifications to send Discord messages, which does seem to send messages without embedding them, but we need these messages to be customized using parameters from the Autotask code, hence this does not seem like a viable option.

:1234: Code to reproduce
const { notificationClient } = context;

try {
channelAlias: 'Defender - Punk Price Change',
subject: COLLECTION + ' LTV',
message: COLLECTION + ' current LTV: ' + (loanToValue * 100).toFixed(2) + '% and floor price: ' + (currentValue / 10 ** 18).toFixed(2),
} catch (error) {

Hey @Insrt_Finance -

That Discord formatting in Autotasks is standardized and unfortunately is not very customizable. One option would be to have the Sentinel send a custom notification message if the parameters available work for your use case. I do not believe these messages use embeds.

Otherwise, you could use the Discord API within an Autotask and you will be able to customize your messages.