Customizing sentinel notification messages using select function arguments


I am using a sentinel to send a discord notification every time someone calls a certain function on a certain contract. I'm trying to customize the notification so that I only see some of the function arguments. matchReasonsFormatted has the data I need, but I only want to see some of what matchReasonsFormatted spits out.

I've tried making an auto task so that I can access metadata, but I'm not sure how to get a function argument into the metadata, or if that is even the proper route for this. Right now I am just working with the default auto task code calling metadata in the sentinel notification.

in my autotask I am trying this:

// metadata can be any JSON-marshalable object (or undefined)
  hash: evt.hash,
  metadata: {
    id: 'customId',
    timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
    numberVal: 5,
    test: event.request.body, 
    nested: { example: { here: true } },

and returning { matches }.

Update: This is the syntax to access matchReasons within your metadata!

      hash: evt.hash,
      metadata: {
        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
        // query data
        queryData: evt.matchReasons[0].args[3],
        // value submitted
        value: evt.matchReasons[0].args[1],
  return { matches };