Current acooount has no executor role when it does

I can not execute any timelock transactoins because of the following error:

Current account is not an authorized executor in timelock <address>. Please switch to another account or grant role Executor to your current account.

I have went to the timelock and I can tell that the executor role is granted to my currently connected wallet.

Initially I have proposed a change to a contract using a multisig -> timelock -> contract. Now that I am trying to execute a transaction that has already passed the time in timelock I get the error above. In fact all wallets that have the executor role get this error when trying to execute. I suspect this might be because the multisig only has the proposer role but not the executor role, but that never seemed to be a problem before.

multiple projects are experiencing the same issue...

Hi @0x_Taiga thanks for reporting this, could you please send an email to linking this issue with the timelock, multisig and your account address?

If you could also provide your tenant Id even better
Thank you!

I have sent all the information requested. Please let me know if there is something else I cold help with.

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