What's exciting to you in the decentralized world right now?

What exciting things from the decentralized world right now can you not stop talking about? What have you been sharing with friends and family?


  1. I am a big fan of web based wallets.

    Austin Griffith has done a great job with onboarding with the original burner wallet: xDAI.io
    Everyone in my life (and loads of people I have met) have probably had a few cents of xDAI by now.

    My friends at Flex Dapps created their own web based wallet. I built a mini-dapp for use in the wallet, made a vlog and wrote an article and I am still talking about the wallet.

  2. Testing, code coverage, continuous integration with smart contracts. You too can Test smart contracts like a rockstar

  3. I also :heart: CryptoCollectibles.
    I made my own collectible: BlockHorses