UUPS vs UpgradeableBeacon

Hi - I'm having a hard time understanding the differences between the UUPS pattern and the UpgradeableBeacon. In both cases, the upgrade can be handled by a single transaction, correct? However it sounds like the Beacon pattern has some gas savings benefits? If that's the case, what are the benefits of UUPS over the Beacon pattern?

Hello @gigamesh


  • the proxy point to an implementation AND the implementation contains the upgrade logic.
  • when doing an upgrade, you call the proxy, then call is relayed to the implementation, and if everything is fine (accesscontrol / security protection) the proxy target will change to the new implementation
  • if you have many proxies, you need to upgrade them one at a time


  • you have to deploy and implementation, a beacon that references the implementation, and a proxy that references the proxy
  • neither the proxy nor the implementation contains any upgrade logic
  • whenever the proxy receives a call, it asks the beacon which is the address of the implementation and will delegate call to it.
  • when doing an upgrade, you go to the beacon and tell it to reference a new implementation
  • if you have many proxies pointing to the same beacon, setting a new implementation at the beacon level will upgrade all proxy simultaneously (and for cheap)
  • What not to do: don't create a new beacon everytime you want to upgrade and then go to the proxy to tell them to use the new beacon.
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Big thanks! Very helpful.

The impression I get is that the primary benefit of UUPS is it allows the proxies to opt-in to upgrades, while the Beacon requires the proxy owners to trust the Beacon admin.

Does that sound right? Are there any other benefits to UUPS?

Already got the info I was looking for from Santiago. thank you

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I'd say UUPS and Beacon target different usecases.

  • UUPS: each proxy is independent, and has its own lifecycle with its own upgrade process
  • Beacon: multiple proxies share a common upgrade process, with common governance
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Just a question/note here:

When you said: " you have to deploy and implementation, a beacon that references the implementation, and a proxy that references the proxy"

Whas it is supposed to say: "and a proxy that references the beacon" ??


Yes, I think the line should be:

"you have to deploy an implementation, a beacon that references the implementation, and a proxy that references the beacon"