Using eth-gas-reporter with OpenZeppelin SDK proxies

Did anyone here were able to use eth-gas-reporter in a project using openzeppelin SDK proxies?

Their documentation mentions that using proxies introduces an issue for resolving names, which I do confirm:

But there is no solution out-of-box apparently. Does anyone have a walkthrough for making it work?

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Hi @wmitsuda,

I tried using eth-gas-reporter with truffle test and a very simple contract and it appeared to work. (see my contract, tests and output below)
What errors do you get?

A work around could be to test the contracts just as logic contracts, (though this doesnโ€™t take into account the overhead of using a Proxy).


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Counter {
  uint256 public value;

  function increase() public {


const { TestHelper } = require('@openzeppelin/cli');
const { Contracts, ZWeb3 } = require('@openzeppelin/upgrades');
const {
  BN,           // Big Number support
  constants,    // Common constants, like the zero address and largest integers
  expectEvent,  // Assertions for emitted events
  expectRevert, // Assertions for transactions that should fail
} = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');


const Counter = Contracts.getFromLocal('Counter');


contract('Counter (upgradeable)', function () {

  beforeEach(async function () {
    this.project = await TestHelper();
    this.proxy = await this.project.createProxy(Counter);

  it('should have a value', async function () {
    const result = await this.proxy.methods.value().call();'0');

  it('should increase value', async function () {
    await this.proxy.methods.increase().send();
    const result = await this.proxy.methods.value().call();'1');


const {
  BN,           // Big Number support
  constants,    // Common constants, like the zero address and largest integers
  expectEvent,  // Assertions for emitted events
  expectRevert, // Assertions for transactions that should fail
} = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');

const Counter = artifacts.require('Counter');


contract('Counter (logic)', function () {

  beforeEach(async function () {
    this.counter = await;

  it('should have a value', async function () {
    const result = await this.counter.value();'0');

  it('should increase value', async function () {
    await this.counter.increase();
    const result = await this.counter.value();'1');

Truffle Test

$ truffle test
Using network 'test'.

Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.

  Contract: Counter (logic)
    โœ“ should have a value
    โœ“ should increase value (41653 gas)

  Contract: Counter (upgradeable)
    โœ“ should have a value
    โœ“ should increase value (43218 gas)

|  Solc version: 0.5.12+commit.7709ece9  ยท  Optimizer enabled: false  ยท  Runs: 200  ยท  Block limit: 6721975 gas  โ”‚
|  Methods                               ยท                1 gwei/gas                ยท       124.42 eur/eth       โ”‚
|  Contract          ยท  Method           ยท  Min         ยท  Max        ยท  Avg        ยท  # calls     ยท  eur (avg)  โ”‚
|  Counter           ยท  increase         ยท       41653  ยท      43218  ยท      42436  ยท           2  ยท       0.01  โ”‚
|  Deployments                           ยท                                          ยท  % of limit  ยท             โ”‚
|  Counter                               ยท           -  ยท          -  ยท      99651  ยท       1.5 %  ยท       0.01  โ”‚

  4 passing (13s)

Thatโ€™s weirdโ€ฆ Iโ€™m using buidler, it seems it does not identify any function call, see:

|  Solc version: 0.5.11  ยท  Optimizer enabled: false  ยท  Runs: 200  ยท  Block limit: 6721975 gas  โ”‚
|  Methods               ยท                1 gwei/gas                ยท       130.40 eur/eth       โ”‚
|  Contract   ยท  Method  ยท  Min         ยท  Max        ยท  Avg        ยท  # calls    ยท  eur (avg)   โ”‚

  16 passing (29s)

Iโ€™ll try to debug a little more and narrow the issueโ€ฆ

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Hi @wmitsuda,

It could be that my very simple contract was too simple. You could try my simple contract on builder and see if you get the same results.

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Iโ€™ve used your example and created an issue on buidler-gas-reporter github:

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A post was split to a new topic: Eth-gas-reporter with proxies