URGENT - Need Help developing Token

Ok so I created a token , and deployed it. then i found out I cant use it !! I need a burnable token and mine is not. I want to create a token to do thos:

1.5% developer fee
1.5% founder fee

I want top have a 5% burn rate. I wanted to do 1/2 of that burned,. and 1/2 of that redistributed to only addrersses that signed up during my ICO. If thats possible. if not then distributed to all

i wanted to do a 10% reflections in ethereum

other issue. I already sold tokens to 80 addrresses so I need to send these to those people as well;

:1234: Code to reproduce

:computer: Environment

if you canm help me tell me how to reach u


I would like to assist you with your requirement, please reach me at seth(@)cisinlabs(dot)com to discuss further.
