Hi everyone Hope you're having a great day.
TL;DR: is it possible to use OpenZeppelin Upgrades plugin with @nomiclabs/hardhat-truffle5
and not make changes in tests?
I'm working with a fork of some protocol. Protocol team used Truffle in the beginning, wrote a lot of tests and then decided to move to Hardhat. To not rewrite bunch of tests, they used @nomiclabs/hardhat-truffle5
But now I want to make their smart contracts UUPS upgradeable. And for this I need to use OpenZeppelin Upgrades library.
First, I tried to use @openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades
because all contract deployings were written with Truffle. But I encountered an error:
TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'sendAsync' in undefined
at wrapProvider (.../node_modules/@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades/src/utils/wrap-provider.ts:11:33)
at deployProxy (.../node_modules/@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades/src/deploy-proxy.ts:39:32)
Code looks like this
const Contract1 = artifacts.require("./Contract1.sol")
const Contract2 = artifacts.require("./Contract2.sol")
const { deployProxy } = require('@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades');
const contract1 = await Contract1.new()
// lines above were in the code so I tried to replicate it for my test subject contract
const contract2 = await deployProxy(Contract2, {kind: "uups"} ) // fails here
After some research, I saw someone with an advice to launch those tests not from hardhat
env but from truffle
- npx truffle test ...
I couldn't make this work, and it would be not very smart to return back to Truffle.
Then I tried @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades
const Contract1 = artifacts.require("./Contract1.sol")
const contract1 = await Contract1.new()
// lines above were in the code so I tried to replicate it for my test subject contract
const Contract2 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Contract2")
const contract2 = await upgrades.deployProxy(Contract2, [], { kind: "uups" })
And it would work just fine. But then when it comes to the tests, we have this for example:
// bob is just a string with some public address
describe('a', async accounts => {
it("b", async () => {
try {
const tx1 = await contract2.someFunction(bob, bob, bob, { from: bob })
} catch (err) {
assert.include(err.message, "revert")
This wouldn't work because hardhat's contract instances don't understand { from: bob }
. We need to make a signer from this and connect
to a contract instance.
const aliceSigner = await hre.ethers.getImpersonatedSigner(alice)
try {
const txAlice = await contract2.connect(aliceSigner).someFunction(bob, '30000000000000000000', bob, alice)
} catch (err) {
assert.include(err.message, "revert")
So my question is, is it possible to use OpenZeppelin Upgrades plugin with @nomiclabs/hardhat-truffle5
and not make changes in tests?
Maybe someone already encountered this and found a solution? Thanks!