Hello here,
I have been developing my contracts using truffle until now.
I would like to migrate an existing project, that uses UpgradeableContracts and the "@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades": "^1.5.0"
package, to hardhat.
However I would like the addresses of my already deployed proxies, logic, etc… to be kept in the migration of tool, so if I want to deploy a new logic contract for a proxy OR a new proxy for an already deployed Logic contract, it still uses the one that were already deployed using truffle.
Is this something possible by copying the .openzeppelin directory “as-is” from the truffle project to the hardhat one?
I would imagine what is used under the hood is the same for both so the format of the files should be the same, and that there is only a “provider” that transform the content of .openzeppelin as required in both tools.
If it’s not possible, is there maybe a known tool that could actually do that?
Thank you in advance,
Simon / dievardump