Unbonding is not working in Keep3r.network

How can i unbond with defender?

unbonding is not working in Keep3r.network wat iam doing wrong and can i unbond

i have bond KP3R and i want to unbond, but iam enable to do so. i will also like to use your service to perform job with my KP3R as non programmer.

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Hi @elmi,

Welcome to the community :wave:

I am sorry that you are struggling to unbond.

Can you try following the instructions in the documentation on how to unbond? https://docs.openzeppelin.com/defender/guide-keep3r#leaving_the_keeper_network

If you are still stuck, can you share what you have tried so far?

Hi @abcoathup, thanks for your reply. i did not use your relayer service yet. i have bonded my KP3R token in https://keep3r.network after 2.5 weeks they are still there as Bonds.
If i want to unbonds nothing happens. I will also like to use your service to work as a keeper. Maybe leaving my KP3R bonded and perform jobs via your service. Note iam not a software developper. Can you help me how to do this.

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Hi @elmi,

I am sorry you are having an issue unbonding using the keep3r.network app.

The best place to ask for help with this should be in the Keep3r forum: https://gov.yearn.finance/c/projects/keep3r/20.

To run a keeper using OpenZeppelin Defender is fairly straight forward, please see the guide in the documentation: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/defender/guide-keep3r

One thing to note, is if you want to work additional jobs to the ones in the example script, you would need some familiarity with JavaScript. Please see: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/defender/guide-keep3r#create_an_autotask

You could start running a Keeper using Defender bonding zero Keep3r. See this related question: Bonded kp3r & other erc-20 tokens from personal wallet

Hi @abcoathup, thanks for the help.
if i go ahead and start to run as a keeper by using OpenZeppelin Defender while my KP3R are bonded by the keep3r network, will that be a probleem?

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Hi @elmi,

You can run a Keeper with 0 Keep3r bonded. Once you have Keep3r you can then bond again.

Bonding with an amount of Keep3r can increase your rewards, see: What benefit is there for adding collateral (bonded KP3R) vs not bonding?

Hi @abcoathup, What if the KP3R is al already bonded via the keerp3r.network, can i use this bonded KP3R to run a keeper using OpenZeppelin Defender?

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Hi @elmi,

Bonding is for a specific address, so you would need to bond using your Relayer.

Hi @abcoathup,

I think i need to unbond my KP3R in Keep3r network first (for some reason icant do this now) in order to bond using my Relayer?

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Hi @elmi,

That is correct, you need to unbond your KP3R using the app before you can bond them using your Defender Relayer.

There is a 14-day unbonding period, at the end of this period you need to call the withdraw function. See the Keep3r Network documentation: https://docs.keep3r.network/keepers#removing-a-keeper

Hi @abcoathup,

Thank you, i have post a message in https://gov.yearn.finance/c/projects/keep3r/20 iam waiting for some solution to unbond my KP3R, after that i will be bonding with the Relayer.

I have bonden trough metamask apparently that is the probleem, iam not sure. Hoepfully they will wil have a solution soon at Keep3R.

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Hi @elmi,

Were you able to unbond? Did you call withdraw at the end of the 14-day unbonding period?

Hi @abcoathup,

Yes i was able to unbond and withdraw the KP3R tokens. thanks for asking. iam very busy now. i will come here to start as a keeper in this environment.

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