Is it possible to schedule a transaction to execute after a certain amount of time in ethereum? For example, I have a reservations dapp.The customer makes a reservation and a transaction is sent to the Booking smart contract. When the stay ends (end date), I want to call, automatically, a getRefund method function on the Booking smart contract, but I don’t want the user to manually execute the request. If it is possible how can i do it in web3.js?
Hi @micheal,
A transaction needs to be externally initiated. You could write a script to check if there are any refunds and if there are create a transaction to refund. You could then create infrastructure to run this periodically e.g. every 5 minutes.
You could use OpenZeppelin Defender Autotasks to handle running a script periodically.
I suggest joining the weekly webinar to learn more: Webinar: Introduction to OpenZeppelin Defender - Wednesday 10 February 2021
You had asked about gasless transactions so you may be interested in the workshop too: Workshop: Gasless MetaTransactions with OpenZeppelin Defender - Thursday 11 February 2021
@abcoathup Is it possible to use web3.js instead of ethers.js? I can’t find any examples or tutorials with web3.js
Another question is: I have a start date and an end date. I want to have my script call a smart contract function every day, but the first call must also be made by the script and not by the user. Is it possible with Defender Autotasks?
Hi @micheal,
For your own script you can use web3.js
or ethers.js
. For Defender the support is currently just for ethers.js
You could have an Autotask running every few minutes, checking if it needs to do anything and then creating a transaction.
Alternatively, you could use a webhook to trigger an Autotask when a customer does something in your app.