Workshop: Gasless MetaTransactions with OpenZeppelin Defender - Thursday 11 February 2021

Workshop: Gasless MetaTransactions with OpenZeppelin Defender

:calendar: Thursday 11 February
:clock12: Noon PT/3pm ET/8pm UTC

Led by Santiago Palladino - Lead Developer at OpenZeppelin

:fuelpump: Intro to MetaTransactions
:page_facing_up: How to accept meta-txs in a contract using OpenZeppelin Contracts
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Relay meta-txs using Defender Autotasks and Relayers
:arrow_right: Send meta-txs from your dApp

Registration Required - Limited to 50 Participants

Workshop Recap: Gasless MetaTransactions with OpenZeppelin Defender

Recorded on 11 February 2021 and led by Santiago Palladino – Lead Developer at OpenZeppelin.
:tv: Watch the video
:computer: Try the demo app
:woman_technologist: Setup your own relayer and app using the code from the workshop.