Safemoon fork, DXSale and PancakeSwap issues


I been learning about coding and interacting with different types of ECR20/BEP20 tokens and was hoping I could get some support with a few questions. I started off with using a basic token template and listing it on PancakeSwap. Everything went fine and had no issues creating the token, listing it on PancakeSwap and trading with it from multiple accounts and different wallets and seemed like everything went fine. This was done on mainnet and not testnet (this is important for later on)

After I was comfortable with a basic token template I moved on to using a Safemoon fork and switched over to testnet. I came across some of the common issues I keep seeing brought up here (PancakeSwap router hardcoded, adding liquidity, etc…) but was able to figure it out thanks to the amazing support on this forum and finally get the token to compile and work.

My issues come after listing the token on DXSale and trying to trade the token after the DXSale IDO completes and lists the token on PancakeSwap. I was able to finalize the sale and from what I can see it seems that there was no issues and everything went through fine (The main account was able to claim the BNB, the test accounts were able to claim their tokens, and it looks like it was able to make a PancakeSwap pair and list it on PancakeSwap). My issues come after I try and trade the pair now on PancakeSwap and it’s showing there is no Liquidity but I’m not able to figure out if the issue is with PancakeSwap my token. The reason I say this is because I’ve tried using PancakeSwap on testnet with the basic token that I used on mainnet and it seemed PancakeSwap interface doesn’t work with testnet. From what I was able to figure out PancakeSwap doesn’t work on testnet when using it’s interface so I tried using one of the 2 testnet PancakeSwap sites that I found on here( and and it seems to work for adding liquidity and then trading but it doesn’t pick up the initial liquidity that I added already and it doesn’t seem to work between the 2 sites (e.g. adding liquidity on and then trying to trade on which I don’t understand why since they both are connecting to the same testnets. Is there any way I can test to make sure that the token is properly listed on PancakeSwap and working at intended or would the only way to do it be on mainnet.

For reference this is the token I created on testnet:

and the token is a fork of this project:

Hey did you tried using pancakeswap on testnet bsc scan?

From what I can see it does work when calling the functions through bsc scan, but is there any way to check to make sure the interface works or can I be sure that if the function calls work there is not going to be an issue with the interface?

Maybe you can help me, I am using a template of another token, but when compiling in abi I get and when I pay the fee it does not give me the coins, just approve the contract

Impossible to say without details …

I’m pretty sure I ran into the same issue you had. If it’s the same issue I’m pretty sure your calling the wrong function (or constructor? someone correct me if I’m wrong please) when you deploy the contract and you have to change it to the right one. If your using remix and the same fork from the token I used you can see which one to change it to when you go to deploy it.