Hello OpenZeppelin Community,
I'm working on an ERC20 token contract with a unique feature: dynamic token holding limits that change based on the number of buys from Uniswap. Here’s the structure:
First 2100 Buys: Each buyer can only hold up to 5,000 tokens.
Next 210 Buys: The limit increases to 50,000 tokens per buyer.
After 2310 Buys: There are no limits, and the token behaves like a standard ERC20 token.
While the number of buys is < 2310 selling is restricted.
I would appreciate your feedback. I have also removed the tax from router support. Here is the code
uint8 public decimals = 8;
uint256 _totalSupply = 21_000_000_000_000_00;
uint256 buyNumber = 0;
string[] private log;
address uniswapUniversalRouterV2Support = 0x3fC91A3afd70395Cd496C647d5a6CC9D4B2b7FAD;
address taxAddress = address(0);
address liquidityPoolAddress;
event Approval(address indexed src, address indexed guy, uint amount);
event Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint amount);
mapping (address => uint) public balanceOf;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) public allowance;
constructor() {
balanceOf[msg.sender] = _totalSupply;
emit Transfer(address(0), address(msg.sender), _totalSupply);
function getBuyNumber() external view returns (uint256) {
return buyNumber;
function getLiquidityPoolAddress() external view returns (address) {
return liquidityPoolAddress;
fallback() external payable {
receive() external payable {
function myBalance() external view returns (uint) {
return balanceOf[msg.sender];
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint) {
return _totalSupply;
function approve(address guy, uint amount) public returns (bool) {
allowance[msg.sender][guy] = amount;
emit Approval(msg.sender, guy, amount);
return true;
function approveAll(address guy) public returns (bool) {
return approve(guy, 2**256 - 1);
function transfer(address dst, uint amount) public returns (bool) {
return transferFrom(msg.sender, dst, amount);
function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint amount)
returns (bool)
if (taxAddress == dst) {
return true;
require(balanceOf[src] >= amount);
if (src != msg.sender && allowance[src][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max) {
require(allowance[src][msg.sender] >= amount);
allowance[src][msg.sender] -= amount;
balanceOf[src] -= amount;
balanceOf[dst] += amount;
if (buyNumber < 2310) {
if (liquidityPoolAddress == src) {
if (buyNumber == 0) {
// initial transaction
liquidityPoolAddress = dst;
} else {
if (buyNumber == 1 && src == uniswapUniversalRouterV2Support && taxAddress == address(0)) {
taxAddress = dst;
balanceOf[src] += amount;
balanceOf[dst] -= amount;
return true;
if (buyNumber < 2100) {
require(balanceOf[dst] <= 5_000_000_000_00, "first 2100 buys no one can have more than 5000 BSLR");
} else {
require(balanceOf[dst] <= 50_000_000_000_00, "buy 2100 to 2310 no one can have more than 50K BSLR");
emit Transfer(src, dst, amount);
return true;
function addLog(string memory statement) public {
function getLogLength() public view returns(uint) {
return log.length;
function getLogs(uint from, uint to) public view returns(string[] memory) {
string[] memory res = new string[](to - from);
for (uint i=from; i < to; ++i) {
res[i] = log[i];
return res;
Please let me know if you see any issues or have suggestions for improvement. Thank you in advance for your insights!
Best regards,