I am trying to send a percentage of ethereum to my marking wallet when someone buys and sells my token via uniswap. It seems to work on sells but not on buys... why is that? i get nothing transferred on buys
function sendETHToMarketing(uint256 amount) private {
uint256 initialBalance = address(this).balance;
uint256 newBalance = (address(this).balance).sub(initialBalance);
function _transfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount
) internal override {
require(from != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
require(to != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
if(amount == 0) {
super._transfer(from, to, 0);
uint256 contractTokenBalance = balanceOf(address(this));
bool canSwap = contractTokenBalance >= swapTokensAtAmount;
canSwap &&
!swapping &&
!automatedMarketMakerPairs[from] &&
from != liquidityWallet &&
to != liquidityWallet
) {
swapping = true;
uint256 marketingTokens = contractTokenBalance.mul(marketingFee).div(totalFees);
uint256 swapTokens = contractTokenBalance.mul(liquidityFee).div(totalFees);
uint256 sellTokens = balanceOf(address(this));
swapping = false;
bool takeFee = !swapping;
// if any account belongs to _isExcludedFromFee account then remove the fee
if(_isExcludedFromFees[from] || _isExcludedFromFees[to]) {
takeFee = false;
if(takeFee) {
uint256 fees = amount.mul(totalFees).div(100);
if(automatedMarketMakerPairs[to]) {
fees = fees.mul(1).div(100);
amount = amount.sub(fees);
super._transfer(from, address(this), fees);
super._transfer(from, to, amount);
try dividendTracker.setBalance(payable(from), balanceOf(from)) {} catch {}
try dividendTracker.setBalance(payable(to), balanceOf(to)) {} catch {}
if(!swapping) {
uint256 gas = gasForProcessing;
try dividendTracker.process(gas) returns (uint256 iterations, uint256 claims, uint256 lastProcessedIndex) {
emit ProcessedDividendTracker(iterations, claims, lastProcessedIndex, true, gas, tx.origin);
catch {
function swapAndLiquify(uint256 tokens) private {
// split the contract balance into halves
uint256 half = tokens.div(2);
uint256 otherHalf = tokens.div(2);
// capture the contract's current ETH balance.
// this is so that we can capture exactly the amount of ETH that the
// swap creates, and not make the liquidity event include any ETH that
// has been manually sent to the contract
uint256 initialBalance = address(this).balance;
// swap tokens for ETH
swapTokensForEth(half); // <- this breaks the ETH -> HATE swap when swap+liquify is triggered
// how much ETH did we just swap into?
uint256 newBalance = address(this).balance.sub(initialBalance);
// add liquidity to uniswap
addLiquidity(otherHalf, newBalance);
emit SwapAndLiquify(half, newBalance, otherHalf);
function swapTokensForEth(uint256 tokenAmount) private {
// generate the uniswap pair path of token -> weth
address[] memory path = new address[](2);
path[0] = address(this);
path[1] = uniswapV2Router.WETH();
_approve(address(this), address(uniswapV2Router), tokenAmount);
// make the swap
0, // accept any amount of ETH