Pay the transaction gas fee using any ERC20 (Gas Station Network)?

Great article and explanation!

Would it be possible to pay the tx gas fee using any ERC20 ? Would I need to implement a custom GSNBouncer? For example using DAI, BAT, KNC and OMG.

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Hi @Guillesalazar,

Welcome to the community :wave:

Your users could pay you (in any currency including tokens or fiat) and you could keep track of their balance off chain and sign approval using GSNBouncerSignature whilst they are still in credit.

Alternatively your users could pay you (in any currency including tokens or fiat) and you could issue your own tokens for paying gas using GSNBouncerERC20Fee.

The third option is to create your own Custom Bouncer.

One thing to note with accepting payment in ERC20 tokens (other than the token used in GSNBouncerERC20Fee) is that your users would likely need to approve an allowance first, so would need some Ether. (unless the token was also GSN enabled).

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Hi @Guillesalazar,

Wanted to check if the above reply answered your question.
Did you have any further questions?

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