Any ERC-20 with Gasless Transactions even exist?

Can anyone point me to an actual ERC-20 token which has successfully implemented gasless transactions via gas station network? I have been trying to set this up for a token without success and would like to see this is action but I have been unable to find it out in the wild via google.

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Hi @actuallyconvenient,

I’m sorry that you are having issues setting this up.

The learn guide on Building a GSN-powered DApp is a good place to start, along with GSN Strategies

I was looking for an example using the RelayHub, though in my quick look didn’t see an ERC20:

Thank you for the reply. I am losing hope that anyone has actually set this up successfully. It appears to just be a pipe dream because if no one can get this to work on their own projects then I have little faith that it will work in mine.

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do you know of any Dapps that successfully use this for gasless token transactions? cannot find any and am again doubtful that this really works

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Hi @actuallyconvenient,

Sorry it has taken a while to get back to you.

You could have a look at NGNT which has transactions via the GSN on mainnet.

Thank you for restoring hope. Looks like they only got started on their project a few days before mine. I am skeptical of their project but will look into it further.

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Hi @actuallyconvenient,

Depending on your development timeline, GSN v2 is currently in development at OpenGSN, so you may want to consider the coming improvements.

Also see Doubling down on security for more info.

thank you for the heads up. We will work on only using GSN v2. in the article posted it mentioned that v2 adds the requested features that v1 was lacking but does not say what they are. Where can i find these features? and more importantly, when is v2 being put on mainnet?

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Hi @actuallyconvenient,

I suggest joining the OpenGSN telegram to get the latest news on GSNv2 development and timescales.

A post was split to a new topic: Create a website with an ERC20 token with Gasless transactions

que choisir entre ERC20 ERC277
merci de vos conseils

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Hi @besmily,

I posted on ERC20/ERC777 in the following reply:

bonjour, pourquoi erc20 est le plus populaire si erc777 est plus positif

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Hi @besmily,

I posted in ERC777 vs ERC20