I got an error when I tried to NPM install for openzeppelln. Error: Configure Error.
Failed at the scrypt@6.0.3 install script.
I got an error when I tried to NPM install for openzeppelln. Error: Configure Error.
Failed at the scrypt@6.0.3 install script.
Hi @Samantha_Fang,
Welcome to the community
Do you mind sharing a bit more information.
What operating system are you using?
What version of node/npm do you have installed?
If you are using Windows, then you may want to consider using Windows Subsystem for Linux:
Hi, @abcoathup Thanks for your reply. I am running mac. My version of NPM is 6.4.1 .
Hi @Samantha_Fang,
Can you share the full error message(s)? You can try searching the web for potential solutions. (I will do the same)
Also the version of node? Run node --version
(as there have previously been issues with node 12 support with some tools)
Hi, my node version is v10.15.0
Hi @Samantha_Fang,
Can you share the full error message(s)?
You can try searching the web for potential solutions. (I will do the same)
What version of macOS are you running?
Hi @Samantha_Fang,
It could be an issue with Xcode, though it depends what is in your full error message.
You could have a look at this issue and see if your error message is the same. It appears to be resolved by installing the latest version of Xcode and Xcode Command Line Tools: