Not able to update the autotask code in defender

I want to update the code for the autotask but getting error since morning. Provided error details below. Please help. We need to update the autotask of bsc mainnet very soon.

Defender is not able to process changes to autotasks right now.

Error: HTTP put /autotasks failed: The operation cannot be performed at this time. An update is in progress for resource: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:665768922667:function:tenant-autotask-FuNReEvwWr4eRaogH57ifi-Mx2iwyAZVKSfMqyjL7AWRv

Attached screenshot

:computer: Environment


:1234: Code to reproduce

@spalladino Please look into this, we a re not able to update the autotasks since some hours

Hey @kbhargav5, apologies for the issue. We've identified the problem and have a fix ready, we'll be rolling it out shortly.

@kbhargav5 this should be now fixed, could you try again?

thanks, its working now

@spalladino Similar error - not sure if it's related.

Defender is not able to process changes to autotasks right now.
Error: data.trigger.frequencyMinutes should be integer, data.trigger.cron should be string

Hey @26A0D355-AA5F-4621-8, that's a different error. Can you try a hard refresh on the page, and try again? It could be related to a stale cache for the site code. If it keeps happening, can you let us know which Autotask this is?

Thanks - I cleared the cache, deleted session storage, hard refresh etc, problem still persists.
Task ID: f7be87a8-8e33-4b61-a390-2f4a6cee2ea8

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