I am using the Upgrades with Hardhat. It’s working fine, but now I’m looking to expand functionality to make it “rugproof”. Currently I can upgrade the contract at anytime using my Gnosis Safe via Multisig.
However this isn’t safe enough because the team could conspire to upgrade the contract with a malicious one and drain funds.
How can I implement a 2 day upgrade timer using OpenZeppelin’s Upgrades? I would like to deploy an upgrade, but it should take 2 days to update the contract. I know this may not be a good implementation because what if there is a critical bug, however in order to pass audits I think I will need a timelock.
Hey @Yoshiko! You’re on the right track: you want to set up a Timelock to enforce that delay. The trick is to appoint the Timelock as the upgrades admin, and have your Safe as the proposer in the timelock. Something more or less like this:
If you have your contracts already set up as you mention, then the next steps for you would be to:
Deploy a timelock, apponting the Safe as a PROPOSER, and address(0) as an EXECUTOR (asuming you are fine with anyone triggering the execution after the delay)
Then, when you want to push an upgrade, you would craft a transaction that calls execTransaction on the Safe, with the Timelock as target, for calling schedule with the actual upgradeTo call targeted at the proxy admin.
It’s complex, I know. That’s why we’re building this into Defender Admin, so you can have a nice UI to handle these complexities on your behalf.
In the meantime, if you set this up and want to share your experience as a guide for others to follow, that’d be great! Let us know and we can help you in writing it, and then feature it in the forum or blog.
Then, when you want to push an upgrade, you would craft a transaction that calls execTransaction on the Safe, with the Timelock as target, for calling schedule with the actual upgradeTo call targeted at the proxy admin.
I can see from the event log that it has my parameters there too, except for salt, which I have chosen to be 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 for this test.
Next comes the execution step and I’m hitting an error on that, it simply will fail on the TX.
I’m using parameters as exactly specified when doing the schedule
The transaction I scheduled is a simple transfer of 1,000 ERC20 tokens from the Safe to an Address. I have the ERC20 tokens in the safe, but it gives an error.
Perhaps there is an issue with doing a transfer transaction this way, and should be done on a different type of transaction, which I will try now.
@abcoathup I don’t know how better to post it, or send it to you, but here is the tutorial. Open Zeppelin is free to format it, change it, edit it, or do anything they want to, to it. I turn over all ownership to you guys. I can maintain it if needed.
Tutorial on Using a Gnosis Safe MultiSig with a TimeLock to Upgrade Contracts and use Functions in a Proxy Contract.
This tutorial will use OZ’s Box.sol and BoxV2.sol for the upgrade with the TimeLock controlled by the Gnosis Safe MultiSig.
This tutorial requires a network API key. You can get one from Alchemy https://www.alchemyapi.io/.
This tutorial uses Rinkeby’s test network, you can get test Ether from the faucet: https://faucet.rinkeby.io/
For contract verification you will need an Etherscan API key, found in your account pages: https://etherscan.io/myapikey
Step 1. Create a new npm project
Navigate to a directory you wish to create this tutorial folder in and run the commands: mkdir TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial && cd TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial
then run npm init -y
Step 2. Setup Hardhat
Run the following commands: npm install hardhat
then run npx hardhat
-Choose: “Create an empty hardhat.config.js” from the options given.
Run the following commands: npm install @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades
then run npm install @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers
then run npm install ethers
then run npm install @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan
Step 4. Create and Configure hardhat.config.js
In the directory, TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial, open hardhat.config.js and paste the code below.
Your hardhat.config.js may be very different depending on your preferences and network settings.
Create a secrets.json file to store your Deployer Wallet Private Key and API key. Paste the below code into it.
Note - Never upload or share your Deployer Wallet Private Key or API key with anyone.
I keep mine in secrets.json and be sure to exclude it from any sharing mechanism.
Do not let anyone know your Private Key.
It is highly suggested that you use an separate test wallet for your deployer.
To get your Private key, it depends on the wallet you have, you will need to find tutorials for that via google.
In the directory TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial create a “contracts” directory.
Create Box.sol in the “contracts” directory.
Paste the below text into the Box.sol contract.
// contracts/Box.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.3;
contract Box {
uint256 private value;
// Emitted when the stored value changes
event ValueChanged(uint256 newValue);
// Stores a new value in the contract
function store(uint256 newValue) public {
value = newValue;
emit ValueChanged(newValue);
// Reads the last stored value
function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) {
return value;
Step 7. Create tests the Contract
Install the testing package, chai with the command npm install chai
In the directory TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial create a “test” directory.
In the directory “test” create the file Box.js
Paste the below text into the Box.js file
// test/Box.js
// Load dependencies
const { expect } = require('chai');
let Box;
let box;
// Start test block
describe('Box', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Box = await ethers.getContractFactory("Box");
box = await Box.deploy();
await box.deployed();
// Test case
it('retrieve returns a value previously stored', async function () {
// Store a value
await box.store(42);
// Test if the returned value is the same one
// Note that we need to use strings to compare the 256 bit integers
expect((await box.retrieve()).toString()).to.equal('42');
In the directory “test” create the file Box.proxy.js
Paste the below text into the Box.proxy.js file
// test/Box.proxy.js
// Load dependencies
const { expect } = require('chai');
let Box;
let box;
// Start test block
describe('Box (proxy)', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Box = await ethers.getContractFactory("Box");
box = await upgrades.deployProxy(Box, [42], {initializer: 'store'});
// Test case
it('retrieve returns a value previously initialized', async function () {
// Test if the returned value is the same one
// Note that we need to use strings to compare the 256 bit integers
expect((await box.retrieve()).toString()).to.equal('42');
Step 8. Verify Folder and File Structure
So far, if you have been following the tutorial exactly, you should have a folder structure and files open like in the screenshot.
Now test the contract with the following command npx hardhat test
Both tests pass, as you can see from the previous screenshot.
Step 10. Prepare to Deploy the Contract to the Rinkeby Network
This step will use the Rinkeby Testnetwork. If you need test Ether, receive it from https://faucet.rinkeby.io/
In the directory “TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial” create a “scripts” directory.
In the directory “scripts” create the file deploy.js
Step 12. Verify the Contracts for your specific project.
The proxy address shown is already verified thanks to Open Zeppelin.
However we need to still verify our IMPLEMENTATION Contract Code, which is Box.sol.
If you’re following the tutorial exactly, then your code will already be verified, but assuming it is not, you will need to verify it with the next steps.
Back in your IDE or Compiler run the following verify command
npx hardhat verify --network TESTNETrinkeby PROXYADDRESS
For this tutorial’s Proxy Address the example command is npx hardhat verify --network TESTNETrinkeby 0x911d1859193173b310f651e0c823b13215fbc50e
The message will say "successfully verified contract Box on Etherscan."
A multisig is a wallet that is shared between a group of other individuals.
To do any transaction, it requires multiple signatures from the individuals.
In this example, we will only have 1 individual, but in real use cases you will have your team on the gnosis safe.
Be sure to have a MetaMask, or other compatible wallet, for use with Gnosis before progressing.
In this example it is 0x2106fD5d58B76Cd56480eCE1dC5f864a4914a021
Step 14. Create the TimeLock Contract
Back in your IDE, use the command npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
This tutorial will use Open Zeppelin’s TimeLock Contract as a base.
which can be found in your node_modules folder under TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial\node_modules\@openzeppelin\contracts\governance\TimelockController.sol
Copy and paste this file into the “contracts” folder.
Open the file and modify pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
to pragma solidity ^0.8.3;
modify import "../access/AccessControl.sol";
to import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
Step 15. Create the TimeLock Deploy script
In the “scripts” folder, create deploy-timelock.js
and paste the below code into the file.
// deployer for timelock
const argumentsArray = require('../arguments.js');
async function main() {
var delayTime = argumentsArray[0];
var proposersArray = argumentsArray[1];
var executorsArray = argumentsArray[2];
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
"Deploying contracts with the account:",
console.log("Account balance:", (await deployer.getBalance()).toString());
const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("TimelockController");
const token = await Token.deploy(delayTime, proposersArray, executorsArray);
console.log("Timelock address:", token.address);
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
Step 16. Create the arguments file for our TimeLock deployer.
Now create a file arguments.js in the TimeLockGnosisSafeTutorial folder.
You will need to modify “0x2106fD5d58B76Cd56480eCE1dC5f864a4914a021” to be your Gnosis Safe Address.
These are the arguments used when deploying the TimeLock.
For this example I have set the minimum delay timer to 150, which is 2.5 minutes
The Proposers and the Executors for our TimeLock are both set to the Gnosis Safe’s address.
These parameters are in Array form, meaning you can set multiple Proposers and Executors,
but for this example, because we are using a MultiSig, we will use only the MultiSig to pass our transactions through.
Step 17. Understand what the TimeLock does with the Gnosis Multisig Safe
Open the TimelockController.sol file
It has roles, which are addresses that can do certain actions.
The proposers are allowed to schedule transactions.
The executors are allowed to execute transactions.
These are both set to the Gnosis Safe Address in the arguments.js file.
The two primary functions we need to understand is the schedule and the execute functions.
These two functions will be called by our Gnosis Multisig.
In order to have our TimeLock Execute Transactions, they first must be Scheduled with the schedule function.
After the delay time elapses, then you can call the execution function toExecute the transaction.
Both the schedule and the execute function have the same arguments, except that execute does not have the delay argument.
Below is a short explanation of each argument in the
target - Address of the contract you want to execute the transaction on.
value - a value that can be assigned with this, normally it will be 0.
data - this is the data of a transaction
predecessor - if this transaction relies on one before it, you will put it’s Operation ID here. Each Operation performed by the TimeLock has an ID attached to it. This can be used in conjunction with the predecessor argument. If you do not have a predecessor use 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
salt - this is a password that you can use when scheduling transactions, and must be input during the execution function to actually execute the function. This could be useful if you were sharing a TimeLock with many different people or had many users, and wanted to safeguard your transactions from being executed by other individuals. In this example there is TimeLock for one team of users, so the salt is set to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
delay - this is the delay you would like. It must be equal to or greater than the minimum delay. In this example it was set to 150 seconds. You have the option to make the delay longer.
Whenever you schedule a transaction, it generates an ID associated with the operation. Later on in the example, you will see how to obtain this ID from the schedule transaction and how to get information about it.
There is also a cancel function, which you can use to cancel an operation with it’s ID.
If you would like to change your minimum delay, you can use the updateDelay function.
Note that in order to use this, you must call it with the TimeLock itself.
Step 18. Optional Testing
You may wish to develop some tests to experiment with the TimeLock function before deploying.
As this code is not modified and is from Open Zeppelin, it will not be tested because it is expected work as is.
Step 19. Deploy and Verify the TimeLock.
Run npx hardhat run --network TESTNETrinkeby scripts/deploy-timelock.js
Important - Note down the TimeLock’s address
In the example it is 0xa0ea1e6Bea3BE3f9565E557AB6Aefe22D1e0e74e
Now verify using the following command npx hardhat verify --network TESTNETrinkeby --constructor-args arguments.js 0xa0ea1e6Bea3BE3f9565E557AB6Aefe22D1e0e74e
Notice that we have to include the arguments.js file
Otherwise the verification will not know what arguments we used when deploying.
Inside the scripts folder, create the file “transfer_ownership.js” and copy the below code into it.
async function main() {
const newOwnerOfTheProxyAdmin = '0xa0ea1e6Bea3BE3f9565E557AB6Aefe22D1e0e74e'; // this will be the address of the TimeLock, as we need it to be the owner of the Proxy Admin.
console.log("Transferring ownership of ProxyAdmin..."); // The owner of the ProxyAdmin can upgrade our contracts
await upgrades.admin.transferProxyAdminOwnership(newOwnerOfTheProxyAdmin);
console.log("Transferred ownership of ProxyAdmin to:", newOwnerOfTheProxyAdmin);
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
You will need to modify 0xa0ea1e6Bea3BE3f9565E557AB6Aefe22D1e0e74e to be your TimeLock address
Now run
npx hardhat run --network TESTNETrinkeby scripts/transfer_ownership.js
to transfer ownership to the TimeLock.
Step 21. Prepare BoxV2.sol for the Upgrade
Create BoxV2.sol in the contracts folder and paste the following code
// contracts/BoxV2.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.3;
contract BoxV2 {
uint256 private value;
// Emitted when the stored value changes
event ValueChanged(uint256 newValue);
// Stores a new value in the contract
function store(uint256 newValue) public {
value = newValue;
emit ValueChanged(newValue);
// Reads the last stored value
function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) {
return value;
// Increments the stored value by 1
function increment() public {
value = value + 1;
emit ValueChanged(value);
Step 22. Create BoxV2 Tests for Contract and Proxy
Create BoxV2.js in the test folder and copy the below code into it.
// test/BoxV2.js
// Load dependencies
const { expect } = require('chai');
let BoxV2;
let boxV2;
// Start test block
describe('BoxV2', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
BoxV2 = await ethers.getContractFactory("BoxV2");
boxV2 = await BoxV2.deploy();
await boxV2.deployed();
// Test case
it('retrieve returns a value previously stored', async function () {
// Store a value
await boxV2.store(42);
// Test if the returned value is the same one
// Note that we need to use strings to compare the 256 bit integers
expect((await boxV2.retrieve()).toString()).to.equal('42');
// Test case
it('retrieve returns a value previously incremented', async function () {
// Increment
await boxV2.increment();
// Test if the returned value is the same one
// Note that we need to use strings to compare the 256 bit integers
expect((await boxV2.retrieve()).toString()).to.equal('1');
Create BoxV2.proxy.js in the test folder and copy the below code into it.
// test/BoxV2.proxy.js
// Load dependencies
const { expect } = require('chai');
let Box;
let BoxV2;
let box;
let boxV2;
// Start test block
describe('BoxV2 (proxy)', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Box = await ethers.getContractFactory("Box");
BoxV2 = await ethers.getContractFactory("BoxV2");
box = await upgrades.deployProxy(Box, [42], {initializer: 'store'});
boxV2 = await upgrades.upgradeProxy(box.address, BoxV2);
// Test case
it('retrieve returns a value previously incremented', async function () {
// Increment
await boxV2.increment();
// Test if the returned value is the same one
// Note that we need to use strings to compare the 256 bit integers
expect((await boxV2.retrieve()).toString()).to.equal('43');
Step 23. Run the tests and verify that all pass
Run npx hardhat test
You should see a message that indicates all of them pass, including the upgrade of the Box to BoxV2.
Consult the screenshot below for how it should look.
Inside the scripts folder, create the file “prepare_upgrade.js” and copy the below code into it.
// scripts/prepare_upgrade.js
async function main() {
const proxyAddress = '0x6f0e575226a2f3d12e2755B2898767d25321d079'; // This is the proxy address NOT the admin of the proxy.
const BoxV2 = await ethers.getContractFactory("BoxV2");
console.log("Preparing upgrade...");
const boxV2Address = await upgrades.prepareUpgrade(proxyAddress, BoxV2);
console.log("BoxV2 at:", boxV2Address);
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
You will need to change 0x6f0e575226a2f3d12e2755B2898767d25321d079 to your proxy address.
Note that it is the Proxy Address, not the Administrator of the Proxy (Proxy Admin).
Run npx hardhat run --network TESTNETrinkeby scripts/prepare_upgrade.js
Copy down the new Implementation Address, in this example it will be 0xbe0b67cf6301E9B061b34FFae02D45ed671A7475
Now run npx hardhat verify --network TESTNETrinkeby 0xbe0b67cf6301E9B061b34FFae02D45ed671A7475
To verify the new Implementation Contract.
Step 25. Optional… Another way to Get the Proxy Admin Address
As stated in an earlier step…
The easiest way to find the Proxy Admin address is to look in look in rinkeby.json in the .oppenzeppelin folder. At the bottom of the file is
At one point in time you could find the Administrator of the Proxy’s address via the Proxy’s read functions. But in the newer version this is not available.
For this example it is…
Cancel the transaction
Step 27. Schedule the Transaction to Upgrade the Contract with the Gnosis Safe using the TimeLock.
data (bytes) = The data for the Upgrade Transaction (0x99a88ec40000000000000000000000006f0e575226a2f3d12e2755b2898767d25321d079000000000000000000000000be0b67cf6301e9b061b34ffae02d45ed671a7475)
For explanations on each field, please refer back to the TimeLock section as these are TimeLock functions.
Click Review
If you have done something incorrectly, it will warn you, back up and fix the error by reviewing the steps. It is likely the data.
Click Submit
Click Confirm in MetaMask.
Step 28. Verify that the transaction was scheduled in the TimeLock
While waiting 2.5 Minutes for the transaction to go through the TimeLock, go to the TimeLock’s address in etherscan.
Click the Events tab.
The most recent transaction is the “CallScheduled” one.
In that transaction log you can investigate the data passed into the CallScheduled function.
In [topic1] is the ID of the operation.
You can use this Operation ID in order to cancel a scheduled transaction.
You can use this Operation ID in the Predecessor field of Schedule/Execute functions.
See the screenshot below displaying this transaction.
data (bytes) = The data for the Upgrade Transaction (0x99a88ec40000000000000000000000006f0e575226a2f3d12e2755b2898767d25321d079000000000000000000000000be0b67cf6301e9b061b34ffae02d45ed671a7475)
salt (bytes32) = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Click Review
If you have done something incorrectly, it will warn you, back up and fix the error by reviewing the steps. It is likely the data.
Click Submit
Click Confirm in MetaMask.
Step 30. Verify that the New Implementation contract is in place.
Navigate to your Proxy Address in Etherscan. (0x6f0e575226a2f3d12e2755B2898767d25321d079 for this example).
Click Read as Proxy.
A message should show saying " ABI for the implementation contract at 0xbe0b67cf6301e9b061b34ffae02d45ed671a7475, using the EIP-1967 Transparent Proxy pattern.
Previously recorded to be on 0x911d1859193173b310f651e0c823b13215fbc50e."
Verify that the Implementation Address is the one that was created when you ran the prepare)upgrade.js script.
After getting your Proxy, TimeLock, and Gnosis Multisg in place, it’s time to celebreate with your team that you now have a way to safeguard your project.
You can fix and upgrade the contract using the Proxy.
You can stop a single dev rugpulling by using the Gnosis Multisg.
You can gain customer confidence by using a TimeLock.