Need help with Tutorial on upgradeProxy

Hi @Damien_Teo,

I'd like to clarify the concepts here on constructors vs. initializers:

  • Generally an upgradeable implementation should not have a constructor. You should use an initializer to initialize your contract's logic.
  • For deployProxy, args and initializer are for the initializer's arguments and name, respectively.
  • For upgradeProxy, if you need to call a function during the upgrade process, that is done with the call?: string | { fn: string; args?: unknown[] }, option as you mentioned. This could be a function marked as reinitializer so that it can only be called once.
  • A constructor with the below content is still recommended for disabling initialization of the implementation contract itself (at the implementation's address). The reasoning is described in this post.
/// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor
constructor() {
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