Truffle upgradeable contracts: how pass a different owner from default?

Hi guys,

I used to deploy my contracts in my tests passing a specific account as owner:

const MyToken = artifacts.require("MyToken");
let erc20MyToken;

beforeEach(async function () {
   erc20MyToken = await{from: accounts[6]});

Now I'm trying to make this contract upgradeable making use of OpenZeppelin plugin, but when I try to pass the object with the transaction's parameter, I got 'Invalid number of parameters for "initialize". Got 1 expected 0!':

const MyToken = artifacts.require("MyToken");
let erc20MyToken;

beforeEach(async function () {
   erc20MyToken = await deployProxy(MyToken, [{from: accounts[6]}]);

How could I do it?


deployProxy takes a list of arguments to pass to initialize function as the second argument.
So if you use the example bellow a function called initialize will be called in the MyToken contract with no parameters passed to it. Then there are also other options, I am not sure if from is one of them but this is worth a shot, before someone else replies.

await deployProxy(MyToken, [], { kind: "uups", initializer: "initialize", from: accounts[6], });

Thanks, man. Unfortunately, it didn't work.