I have an old proxy contract that is using the constructor. It initializes the variables through this constructor instead of initialize().
I am going to upgrade this contract, but need to confirm if it will work as expected.
Because when I deployed it to testnet, I could see the constructor was called, but the state variables were not initialized. In the constructor, I initialized the owner address, but it was a zero address so I couldn't upgrade it due to the owner being a zero address, it's not me.
The code is
upgradeStaking = await upgrades.deployProxy(GuruCoreSetNFTStakingProxy, [],
kind: 'transparent',
initializer: false,
unsafeAllow: [
"constructor", "state-variable-assignment"
constructorArgs: ["0x55c67F2999b8da5a579D3642aDC6B8F2255Be134", "0x4bE30FAA75C3E9ACacf27bB612Ad97D32185DD41", "0xD8290aee42d2C084684707D2DE36D9a89BfC66Bd"]